Medical Grade Peels

Reveal a more radiant you with the power of peels

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A powerful and effective treatment to achieve smoother, clearer skin

Jessner Peels use advanced exfoliation to remove layers of skin cells and encourage the growth of new skin. These highly concentrated peels use powerful ingredients to target a range of skin concerns, helping you achieve a rejuvenated complexion.

The deep exfoliation you achieve from a chemical peel can also help with the absorption of topical products, enhancing the results of your other facial treatments.

The Jessner solution uses a mix of alpha- and beta-hydroxy acids to trigger an inflammatory response from the skin. This natural repair response helps remove sun damage, improve minor hyper pigmentation, scarring, wrinkles and elasticity.

Deep exfoliation of the skin

Stimulates skin’s natural repair response

Targets sun damage and hyperpigmentation

Improves skin texture and tone

Non-invasive and no downtime

Suitable for a range of skin types

Is a chemical peel right for you?

Medical grade peels can be used to treat a whole range of skin concerns. They are particularly useful for smoothing out unevening skin, improving uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation and minimising acne and breakouts. Chemical peels are also useful for overall skin rejuvenation and delivering a radiant glow.

Medical grade chemical peels delivered in-clinic penetrate to the depth of the upper epidermis, or surface layer of the skin. These peels are generally safe to use on all skin types, and have essentially no downtime afterwards – aside from some simple aftercare.

Chemical peels can effectively address various skin concerns, including:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Uneven skin tone and texture
  • Uneven skin tone and age spots
  • Clogged pores and blackheads
  • Minor acne scarring and uneven skin
  • General lacklustre complexion

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Medical grade Jessner peels start at $500


What are medical grade peels?

These are highly concentrated chemical peels that use powerful ingredients to deeply exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin.

Medical grade peels are administered by one of our skincare therapists who will select the appropriate peel based on your skin type and goals.

How many treatments are required?

This will depend on your skin concerns and the strength of the peel used. Your experienced therapist will assess your skin and recommend a tailored treatment plan.

What happens during and after a medical grade peel?

During the treatment, your skincare therapist will apply the chemical exfoliant to your skin. The potent ingredients will begin to work right away and you may experience some mild tingling or warmth.

After the peel is removed, your skin will be cleansed and a layer of moisturiser applied. You may notice some redness or very light peeling in the hours and days afterwards.

It’s important to apply sun protection and avoid direct sun exposure for two weeks following your medical peel. Avoid touching or pulling at the skin and use only gentle skincare products.