Dermaroller Facial Treatment

Wake up your skin with professional in-clinic Dermaroller

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A targeted treatment to boost collagen production and revitalise your skin

Dermarolling, or skin needling, is a minimally invasive skin treatment that delivers smooth, glowing skin with minimal downtime. In-clinic Dermaroller treatments are delivered using a professional handheld device to trigger the production of collagen and elastin – two essential components of a healthy and glowing complexion.

Enhances collagen production

Precise, targeted treatment

Improves product absorption

Non-invasive and minimal downtime

Visible skin rejuvenation

The benefits of in-clinic Dermaroller treatments

Skin needling is a professional, in-clinic treatment that uses a device covered in tiny needles to create controlled micro-injuries on the surface of the skin.

We use a clinical dermaroller for our treatments that uses longer needles than at-home devices. This allows for deeper penetration into the skin’s upper dermis, giving you enhanced and more even results.

A Dermaroller facelift is a non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment to address a wide range of skin concerns from fine lines and wrinkles to acne scars and uneven skin tone.

Results can be seen after one treatment, and can include:

  • Reduced fine lines and wrinkles around the forehead and eye area
  • Improved skin tone and texture for a more even complexion
  • Decreased appearance of acne scars and uneven skin
  • Enhanced contouring and shaping around the jawline for a more lifted, defined line


How does clinical Dermarolling work?

Dermarolling involves using a handheld device covered in tiny needles to create controlled micro-injuries on the surface of the skin. This process stimulates the skin’s natural healing response and triggers the production of collagen and elastin, two proteins that contribute to a healthy and youthful complexion.

Dermarolling is a minimally invasive treatment with no downtime following your session. Some redness is common, but will fade in a few hours.

Book now

Dermaroller facial treatments start at $220 session.

Find out more about Dermaroller treatments at Gem Esthetics

How many treatments will I need?

This will totally depend on your particular skin goals and concerns. Generally, we suggest a series of 3-6 sessions, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. During your consultation our skincare experts will be able to design a tailored treatment plan to give you optimal results.

What happens during and after a Dermaroller treatment?

During your Dermaroller treatment, a numbing cream may be applied to minimise any discomfort. Our specially trained skincare expert will gently roll the Dermaroller device over the targeted areas of your face. Small, delicate needles will create microchannels on the skin’s surface which, in turn, will trigger a natural healing response and turn-on collagen production.

After the treatment you may experience some redness, mild swelling and a sunburn-like sensation. These effects are temporary and tend to disappear within hours to a day or so. We’ll give you post-treatment care instructions to follow, which may include using only specific skincare products, avoiding sunlight and applying sunscreen while your skin is in the healing process.

How long do the benefits of a Dermaroller treatment last?

The benefits of a Dermaroller treatment are long-lasting. Enhanced collagen production and skin rejuvenation can continue for several months following your treatments. However, periodic treatments are generally recommended to maintain results.